How to become a cam girl and get paid

Best Cam sites to make money

Chaturbate is one of the most popular sites out there today. It is a sure way to become a successful cam girl and make lots of money. It has multiple opportunities for you to make some quick cash. Plus, Chaturbate is a very easy site for men wanting to become male cam models also.

Make Money on Chaturbate HERE

* You make 50% or more of the earnings from your show. Viewers can tip you or you can do private shows. The customers pay in tokens. Twenty tokens equal out to a dollar. So earning 2000 tokens will get you $50 bucks. All without even leaving your house. I know girls personally who have made 100’s or thousands of dollars from one show. And to top it off, you get paid every 2 weeks.
You must be age verified though. So please be over 18 before you sign up.

Earn Money with Live webcam sex!

Live Jasmine is probably the most popular site on the web today. So much money making goes on here. It is a cam site that millions of men visit each day to watch women on live webcam. The girls on this site are usually more experienced cam girls. But with Live Jasmine, your potential to make money is huge. The more money you make, the more of a percentage you get. For example, you make under a $100 dollars, you keep 30%. If you make $300-$650 you keep 40%. That means if you make $650 dollars in one day on this site, you take home $260 bucks! You take home more, the more money you make. Sign Up HERE

What you should know

Adult industry jobs have really evolved in the last few years. While the typical jobs in porn still exist, one of the new forms of making money in porn is to become a cam girl.

This type of job is very different from normal porn work because you can do it from your own bedroom. It’s just that easy. Many girls perform cam work because they can work alone from their own room. They don’t need to go through all of the tests needed to become a traditional porn star.  Guys are actually doing it nowadays also.  Being a male cam model, guys can make money but the females make much much more!

You need to realize that to start a job performing on online cams, you need to have more than a pretty face. To be successful and make a lot of money, you need to have much more than a pretty face. Just follow these rules:

Rule #1

  • Girls, having a pretty face is important, but having an engaging personality is just as important. Men that come online to be entertained by cam girls, are coming for a fantasy. They are coming to get to know a pretty girl and have an engaging conversation. You can show your body and do all types of nude things on camera, but without an engaging personality, the men won’t stay and won’t be repeat customers.


Rule #2

  • Don’t be afraid. It’s the 21st century. We all do things to make ends meet. And if you are a girl that knows how to work your body and personality, why not get paid doing it. You can always apply for a traditional porn job, but learning how to become a cam girl can really end up being a profitable money making opportunity for you.


Rule #3

  • Even though having an engaging personality is very important, knowing your body is important also. Not all girls are blessed with the perfect body, but it’s up to you to know what men will like and what you are willing to show off. If you have small breasts and a big butt, then show off that big butt on camera and charm these men online. Or make your small breasts the main focus. For example, men love natural tits.